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La IMY sanciona a la Región de Dalarna con una multa administrativa

10 oktober 2023

La Autoridad Sueca para la Protección de la Privacidad (IMY) impone una multa administrativa a la Región de Dalarna a raíz de las quejas recibidas por el envío de datos personales sensibles que son visibles en sobres con ventanilla.

When Region Dalarna has invited their patients to a doctor’s appointment, the healthcare facility to which the patient shall go has been visibly stated on the envelope. Hence, the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection has concluded that sensitive personal data has been revealed for postmen, people living at the same address, and individuals who have received the letter at an incorrect address. Because of that, the sensitive personal data has not been protected to a satisfactory extent. Thus, IMY issues an administrative fine of 200 000 SEK against Region Dalarna.
