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La Autoridad Sueca de Supervisión (IMY) ha iniciado una inspección sobre el tratamiento de los datos personales usado por Nobina en el monitoreo de los conductores de autobús

10 oktober 2023

La Autoridad Sueca de Supervisión (IMY) ha iniciado una inspección sobre el tratamiento de los datos personales usado por Nobina en el monitoreo de los conductores de autobús.

The investigation is based on a received complaint regarding the monitoring of bus drivers. The scope of the investigation is to overview Nobina’s compatibility of the key principles of the GDPR, the legal basis of the processing as well as the duty to inform the data subjects. As part of the investigation, IMY asks several questions that Nobina must answer as data controller. Nobina must, for example, answer whether the purpose with the processing could have been achieved with less invasive measures.

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